It was great to see so many at our Coffee Morning in October!

The church was buzzing with over 50 enjoying not only each other's company, but also the coffee and cakes and the lending book and jigsaw free to use libraries. We were so busy in fact we had to send out for more milk! I am pleased to report that nobody went without their coffee or tea! It was good to catchup with the news after our summer break.

Below is the presentation of the cheque to the Bexhill Foodbank.
L to R, Michelle, Jenny and Sally, and you can read about the work of the Bexhill Food Bank here> CTiB Foodbank October 2023 Supporter's Newsletter (mailchi.mp)
Members of the HVCG were privileged to visit the Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team recently and were told of the latest developments that are in progress regarding their HQ and their operations. The HVCG members were more than delighted to hand over a cheque for £250 for the work of this fantastic team. You can learn more about the Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team here> https://bhct.org.uk/

Our yearly Hooe Village Clean Up again collected a huge amount of rubbish dropped and dumped by thoughtless and uncaring individuals.  But the HVCG, assisted by other members of the community spent a morning clearing it, ready for collection by Wealden District Council.
Please click on the below for a full screen image.

Petition to increase the safety of the B2095 Lower Street Ninfield – Marsh Road A.259

To take steps to reduce the speed and weight of vehicles and address the growing problem of dangerous and inconsiderate driving.  In 2016 a petition was presented to East Sussex County Council requesting the reclassification of the B2095, as this had resulted in an increase in volume, weight and speed of traffic using the road.

When the A269/B2095 junction at Lower Street Ninfield was realigned, the B2095 to the A259 Marsh Road running through Russells Green and Hooe was designated by East Sussex County Council a dispersal route to Eastbourne and new signposts were erected on the A269 reading ‘A259 Eastbourne’.  Sadly, our petition was unsuccessful at that time as the County thought the new Link Road would alleviate the problem.  However, since then the problems have increased.  This narrow winding country road attracts many more vehicles than it can safely accommodate. The speed limit varies from 30mph, 40mph and an unbelievable 60mph. The changes in speed limit are confusing for drivers resulting in noncompliance.   We strongly support the request that ESCC examine the safety of this road. That serious consideration is given to reducing the maximum speed limit to 40mph on the entire length of the road from A259 to Lower Street, particularly the stretch of road between Hooe village and the A259, where the speed limit is currently is 60mph, where there have been several accidents, including the tragic death of an 11-year-old boy. At the same time please consider the introduction of a vehicle weight reduction order

This petition is being organised by Wealden District Councillor, Pam Doodes and her husband, Revd Peter Doodes, at the request and with the active support of many of local residents. There was a meeting on the 16th February with MP Huw Merriman to discuss our concerns, and he agreed to take them further.

The HVCG were please to pass over a £250 cheque for The Farming Community Network to David Harding at Court Lodge Farm. You can see their operation HERE.

The FCN operates to assist and help farmers with personal or business-related problems. You can find out about the amazing work of the FCN here. https://fcn.org.uk

The photo shows, left to right, Gary, Chris, Peter C, Peter D and David Harding.
It was both a privilege and an immensely humbling experience for members of the HCVG to visit the Warming Up The Homeless HQ, been shown around by the inspirational Trudy Hampton and meet some of the volunteers. We were able to present them with money raised by the HCVG, a cheque for £250, which as Trudy said, "Will feed 250 people." The image shows Trudy on the LHS, with Sally and Gary Durman. There are homeless people in the local area, who owe their lives to this group, to learn more about them and perhaps help in some way, please see HERE

Our Anne runs the library, but now has, in addition, included a Puzzle Library as well.

These are now available at all of our Coffee Mornings. There is a wide selection, so pop along to our next one and choose one!