Would you like to get involved? 

As many of you know, HVCG was formed in early 2022 as an Unincorporated Association with a (brief!) written constitution, and with the aim to “encourage, promote, and support village activities”.  We hold Liability Insurance for the events which we organise such as the monthly coffee mornings, the biennial Open Gardens and the annual village litter pick and help at the annual Church Garden Party at St. Oswald’s.

You may also know that prior to the formation of HVCG the same group of people, with help from others in the village, organised the coffee mornings, previously held in the village hall, which began in early 2018, and anyone who would like to help out at the coffee mornings on an ad hoc basis or provide a homemade cake is always welcome.

The HVCG Committee is comprised of 8 people, and several current Committee members have decided that it is time to step back and give others the opportunity to take up the reins and bring new ideas.  Being a Committee Member requires a certain amount of commitment to organise and participate in the monthly coffee mornings (usually 9 per year as we don’t have them in the months of July - September), the biennial Open Gardens, and the annual litter pick - and any other events which may occur in the future.

So, if you are interested in becoming a Committee Member, please either email us at: hooevcg@gmail.com or speak directly to one of the current Committee members.

Our next Coffee Morning 

This will be held at the beautiful Church of St Oswald's Hooe on Saturday November 9th between 10:30 & 12:00.

At the November coffee morning, in addition to all the usual attractions, we will be taking the opportunity to raise awareness of the public defibrillators situated in our community. Whilst many of us know where they are, fewer know how to use them in an emergency. In fact, some fear trying to use them! This initiative is in response to several requests from residents. We intend to provide as much useful information as possible without disrupting the usual flow of the morning.

Our village is surrounded on two of its three sides by areas of Special of Special Scientific Interest, SSSI's. A Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is a formal conservation designation. Usually, it describes an area that’s of particular interest to science due to the rare species of fauna or flora it contains - or even important geological or physiological features that may lie in its boundaries. SSSIs often contain important habitats such as grasslands, parkland, and woodland. In other words, these areas have high conservation value, and need to be protected.

There are many marked footpath walks in our area.  Most of these are over farmed land and where animals are often grazing, we ask that those who use them do not wander from the paths and to always keep your dogs on a lead.  Please take any dog poo home with you, as these can cause abortions in cattle and death in sheep. Please also take any litter away with you, do not light fires, and please care for nature just as much as we do that live in Hooe.
Thank you!

         Website designed and operated by 
  Rev Peter Doodes, under copyright 2021-22-23-24
 Sunrise over Hooe Marshes, taken by Lindy Quinn