The run up to Christmas will be well advanced by the time we meet for our December Coffee Morning. As one would expect we plan a Christmas Theme – the Church will look very festive, there will be seasonal table decs and music, our refreshments will nod towards Christmas goodies and our raffle will include Christmas items.
I have heard many will be dressed in their Christmas finest - Not only Christmas jumpers but more! (What about YOU?) Plans are also in hand for visitors to pop in to wish us well (sadly Santa is unavailable). Our free to use library will be popular as we can stock up with reading for the festive holiday and I am sure the jigsaws will fly! This will be a very special morning with lots for people to enjoy. We will set the foundations – you all set the atmosphere and create the fun.
Would you like to get involved?
As many of you know, HVCG was formed in early 2022 as an Unincorporated Association with a (brief!) written constitution, and with the aim to “encourage, promote, and support village activities”. We hold Liability Insurance for the events which we organise such as the monthly coffee mornings, the biennial Open Gardens and the annual village litter pick and help at the annual Church Garden Party at St. Oswald’s.
You may also know that prior to the formation of HVCG the same group of people, with help from others in the village, organised the coffee mornings, previously held in the village hall, which began in early 2018, and anyone who would like to help out at the coffee mornings on an ad hoc basis or provide a homemade cake is always welcome.
The HVCG Committee is comprised of 8 people, and several current Committee members have decided that it is time to step back and give others the opportunity to take up the reins and bring new ideas. Being a Committee Member requires a certain amount of commitment to organise and participate in the monthly coffee mornings (usually 9 per year as we don’t have them in the months of July - September), the biennial Open Gardens, and the annual litter pick - and any other events which may occur in the future.
So, if you are interested in becoming a Committee Member, please either email us at: or speak directly to one of the current Committee members.